
Mar 31, 1953

Event: Vision

Location: Campus

Decade: 1950s

People: S.A. Witmer, Oliver Steiner, Morrow Cook, Clara Weibke, S. A. Lehman, Faye Casterson, Leon Gerig, Tom Zehr, Ed Widmark, Joe Grabill, Barbara Cate


FWBC Vision publications located at the Fort Wayne campus Archive.

Title of Song or Work: Vision

Opus: Vol 1 No. 1. May, 1953

Vol 1 No. 1. May, 1953. The first edition of this comprehensive campus publication. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals.  Featured were columns by the President, an article about the sale of South Campus from the Weibke family, the a Cappella Choir hosting a music festival and the Crusader Harmonies building their audience.

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