Grant Osborne Remembered

Published: Nov 07, 2018

Dr. Grant Osborne in chapel

A Remembrance of Dr. Grant R. Osborne by Paul Robbins g 60

Many will remember the late Dr. Grant R. Osborne (class of 1966) as a much-loved Seminary Professor, brilliant New Testament Scholar, accomplished Author, sought-out mentor, and life-long friend.  I, too, remember him in this way, but my memory also reaches back to 1960 when teenage Grant Osborne was a student member of the Southside High School Youth for Christ Bible Club in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  I was a staff member of this YFC ministry, and tall, slim, somewhat gangling Grant Osborne was our champion Bible quizzer.  He literally memorized enormous passages of the Bible in his spare time as part of his quizzing preparation and discipline.  I've always thought that this quizzing discipline ignited his great and enduring passion for the Holy Scriptures.

In addition to Bible quizzing, Grant loved to sing.  And, as a teenager, he was gifted with an unusually low bass voice.  He could hit the “down in the basement” low notes accurately and clearly, much to the astonishment of his teenage peers.  I know this to be true since I conducted several youth choirs and ensembles where Grant was the reliable bass voice anchor.  Such great days!

While is was obvious that Grant possessed a phenomenal memory and could duplicate various pedal tones, he was, in many ways, just another ordinary somewhat nondescript teenage kid who came from an ordinary home and middle-class family.  I doubt that many in his small circle of friends thought of him as destined for greatness.  But it was also obvious that very ordinary teenage Grant loved and honored the Lord, loved and treasured the Scriptures, and was deeply committed to following his Lord where ever He might lead.

In The New Living Translation (a translation to which Grant contributed significantly) one will find Jesus saying in John 12:26,  All those who want to be my disciples must come and follow me, because my servants must be where I am.  And if they follow me, the Father will honor them.  Grant Osborne followed Jesus, and the Father did honor him, yes, continues to honor him.  And I, too, honor him.  It was my gracious privilege to see God do for Grant what He wants to do for every one of His long-lost children – take the ordinary and transform it into the extraordinary.  Thank God for the extraordinary legacy of Grant Osborne!196510 Singing Collegians orig grp

Jay Platte g69

My experiences involving Grant Osborne weren't as extensive as others, partially because I was a freshman when I first met him. Grant was selected by Paul Robbins for a group at the college that became the Singing Collegians. He was a good singer and made a wonderful contribution during the time he was with us. I remember Grant as funny, affirming and engaging. 

Jackie Weber g69

Thank you, Grant, for fifty years of friendship! You were a friend for all seasons! You were loyal, gracious, understanding and caring. You were wise, faithful, and full of integrity in your dealings with others.

Thank you for your humility in not allowing your academic giftings and brilliant use of your mind to overshadow those personal qualities which made you such a wonderful friend!

Thank you for your amazing sense of humor which nearly brought us to tears of laughter in that “Homer and Jethro” routine with Ron Hege  during my freshman year at FWBC.  Thank you for your listening ear when I needed sound, biblical counsel as I made critically important professional decisions. And thank you for taking time to be with our family when my brother-in-law Roy Meyer went home to be with his Lord. Now you share that eternal home! I will see you in heaven!

Tribute to Grant R. O1963 Wes Gerig, Roger and Liz Moorehead Grant Osbornsborne by Joan Meyer Kennedy g65

 During college at FWBC I became acquainted with Grant Osborne who had been Roy Meyer’s room-mate their freshman year. I soon learned to appreciate Grant’s knowledge, insight, and sense of humor.

During the following years after Roy was diagnosed with cancer, Grant was a frequent visitor when possible. Grant visited one time during a break in Roy’s cobalt treatments. He didn’t dwell on talking about the cancer but enjoyed watching a college basketball game with Roy. Being treated normally was so important for Roy and Grant gave him that. At that time Grant asked Roy to stand up with him at their wedding. They joked about Roy needing to ‘wheelchair’ down the aisle. Roy was able to be in the wedding party thus making him feel normal.

 During the four years of Roy’s illness, Grant and Nancy became caring friends who came to visit as often as possible. At one point Grant and Roy went together to be prayed over for healing at a Ft. Wayne church. Though healing did not come, Roy learned to trust God to carry him through his experience. Grant also listened and wrote down Roy’s thoughts about being terminally ill.

 At the end of Roy’s life, Grant was there to once again show he cared. After Roy’s death, GLarry Grant and Daverant helped me through the difficult days of planning. I could not have done it without his help. Months after Roy’s death, Grant encouraged me to work through my grief by reading and writing.

Coach Steve Morley g65 wrote the reflection of Grant.

Grant, despite his health issues, lived life to its fullest. He was, obviously, very brilliant and scholarly. But he was also very humble, not condescending in any manner. He was just one of the guys. He had a great sense of humor, and his laugh was contagious. His scholarly work will be greatly missed. 

Remembrance of Grant Osborne from David Biberstein (These conclusions are the result of frequent dialogues I have had with Grant.):  What a sense of humor!   What a Professor!  What a Pastor!  What a Friend!  What a Husband and Father!  What a Student of God’s Word!  What a Listener!  Whenever we talked, I always felt encouraged by your Godly Wisdom!  Thanks for blessing me!   Beebs (Dave Biberstein)

More may be coming.