Following the Leader

By Dr. David Biberstein g66 Published: May 17, 2020

Following the Leader

Isaiah 30:21

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying. ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”

Every August 12th, Joleen and I celebrate the anniversary of our wedding which took place in Peoria, Illinois in 1967. Little did we realize at that time what the Lord had planned for us. We were naïve, scared, and excited. Most of all we were convinced that god h ad led us to each other, and we were eager to continue as a team. Jo would soon begin her teaching career as an elementary school teacher in Carl Sandberg Elementary School in wheeling, Illinois, and I would enter Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with the goal of completing a Masters of Divinity Degree. Three short years later, we heard the Voice clearly again and agreed to go to Kingston, Jamaica where I would join the faculty of the Jamaica Theological Seminary, and Joleen would become a part of the support staff at the School. As we prepared to enter this missionary adventure we were prompted to put Isaiah 30:32 on our prayer cards. Confirmation of our decision was the peace the only God can give. So we headed for the Caribbean with youthful optimism. Now as I write, we are approaching our 47th anniversary and there are fewer years ahead than behind. Yet the Leader is still leading and the peace is still present. We walk a little slower and hope we are wiser about the realities of life in this old world that we are passing through as we travel to our heavenly home. Until we reach our ultimate destination, we shall continue serving the God of glory, greatness, goodness, guidance, and grace.


Our Lord will lead us the rest of the way.
He bids us follow, believe, and obey.
The path to heaven, shines brighter each day.
Our Lord will lead us the rest of the way.

Easter ham, Easter eggs, and Easter candy can give you heartburn. But eating with the resurrected Christ will produce a burning heart.
Listen to Luke 24:30-32:

“When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’”

The Emmaus disciples met the resurrected Christ and the result was a heart set afire with enthusiasm and service. Such burning hearts we need today in the Church. As John Wesley said it, “Get on fire for God and we will come and see you burn.” This happened to these early Christians.

This Easter, will you experience heartburn or a burning heart?

© David Biberstein