(Document) Vol 5 No. 7. March, 1957. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured is a column by the President S. A. Witmer. a Cappella Choir announces its three week tour to the west coast. Also featured is a pictorial review of Crossroads.
(Document) Vol 4 No. 6. February, 1956. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured was a column by the President S. A. Witmer. Christian Ministry Conference schedule announced, Seniors announce plans after graduation, Mission band 2nd semester officers: Jake Schierling, John Butler, Carolyn Crego, Franklin Burke, Clarence Hodges, Marilyn Hara, Arlene Riegel.
(Document) Vol 1 No. 3. September, 1953. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured were columns by the President S. A. Witmer, an article about the beginning of the Missionary Nursing program, and the shooting on campus for Bridgebuilders, a film about Jake Schierling and FWBC, starting on October 5, 1953.
(Document) Vol 4 No. 1. September, 1955. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured was a column by the President S. A. Witmer. Included: Music Education degree approved by the State, Ralph Gallagher was appointed to the faculty to teach history and science. C. V. Harter and Glenn Michael were appointed Business Manager and Maintenance Assistant respectively.
(Document) Vol 8 No. 3. May-June, 1960. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. This issue features The President's Pen, and lists promotions and appointments including Dr. Wes Gerig, Joy Gerig, Cyril Eicher and Eddie Reynolds.
(Document) Vol 16, No. 1, Winter, 1968. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision is the official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. President Dr. Jared Gerig contributes his column, Perceptions of the President. Dr. Warner appointed Academic Dean, Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities students listed, Spring calendar of events and tours posted. Stranger In The House-drama presented by the Department of Communications. New Dining Room facilities installed.
(Document) Vol 15, No. 2, Summer 1967. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision is the official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. President Dr. Jared Gerig contributes his column, Perceptions of the President. Listing of 1965 graduates; Women's Auxiliary Scholarship Winner, Carol Kuhnle announced;Youth Conference results reported; progress report on Administration/Classroom building, Christian Service Department gives stats for the year.
(Document) Vol 2 No. 3. December, 1953. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured were columns by the President S. A. Witmer, an article about The Gathering Storm, a film produced by Bob Pierce, World Vision. Announcements regarding the performance of Messiah, conducted by Oliver Stiener, and featuring Vivian Buettner Welsh, Dorothy Lugibihl Lehman, Ralph Nielsen, and Henry Simminger.
(Document) Vol 17, No. 1, Fall, 1969. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision is the official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. President Dr. Jared Gerig contributes his column. Building New Witmer Hall in progress. Jay Kesler speaker for Youth Conference. Community Artisit Series announced. Dr. Clyde Taylor honored. Holy Land Tour published. Hanna, drama to be presented. Donald Douglas newely appointed second professional librarian.
(Document) Vol 3 No. 4. December, 1954. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. This year was named the Jubilee year for the campus with special speakers and events throughout the school year. Featured was a column by the President S. A. Witmer. Upcoming were announcement of the Christmas Concert featuring Eloise Wood, violin and Betty Stanley, conductor, taking the place of Messiah performance, due to Oliver Steiner, on leave due to illness. Also, the announcement of a fund drive for 50th Anniversary building fund drive.