(Document) Vol 5 No. 5. February, 1957. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured is a column by the President S. A. Witmer. The Women's Auxilary announces a Day of Prayer. Also announced is the Christian Ministry Conference, March 5-7. The Missionary Church Association slates March 17 as Bible College Sunday.Faculty Reflections features Hazel Yewey, Assistant Professor of History. Dr. Frank has the recording of the Passion Symphony from IU broadcast on WOWO.
(Document) Vol 8 No. 2. March-April, 1960. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. President Jared Gerig column, The President's Pen, is featured. Announcements regarding commencement and another court appeal from some of the residents of Southwood Park is made. Youth Conference theme "Weighed in the Balance" is announce with Billy Zeoli, speaker. Women's Auxiliary activities for spring are given. Tim Warner is announced as SMF advisor
(Document) Vol 9 No. 5. September-October, 1961. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. President Dr. Jared Gerig contributes his column, From The President's Pen. Missionary Conference features Fred Renich; fall Spiritual Emphasis with Charles A. Epperson. The Women's Auxiliary announces fall plans. Faculty appointments include Edward Augsburger, Elmer M. Soden, Ken Mays Ruth Horst and Francis Pearson.
(Document) Vol 9 No. 1. January-February, 1961. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured was a column by the President Jared Gerig. Articles included announcements about upcoming tour of the a Cappella Choir, Bible College Sunday, Dr. Herbert W. Byrne's book A Christian Approach to Education released, a report of a theft at the Business Office, Elaine Neiman and Bill Shoot give senior recitals, and others
(Document) Vol 5 No. 8. March, 1957. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured is a column by the President S. A. Witmer. The a Cappella choir gives home concert after a 3 week tour to the west coast. Appointment announcement for Forest Weddle and Wesley Gerig. A foldout promomotion page that could be posted on a bulletin board is featured.A Faculty Reflection on Founders Day by Richard Gerig.
(Document) Vol 2 No. 4. January, 1954. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured were columns by the President S. A. Witmer, the declaration by the college board that 1954-55 would be Jubilee Year, a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the college. Several prominent leaders and speakers have been scheduled. Announcements regarding the ordinations of Timothy Warner and J. Harlan Wright, along with other campus news is included.
(Document) Vol 5 No. 2. October, 1956. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured was a column by the President S. A. Witmer. The Cshey Trio will give a concert on campus. Students representing a wide diversity of cultures is featured. Class officers are posted. Faculty Reflections features "Serving in Training" by W. O. Klopfenstein, director of Christian Service. Women's Auxiliary requests materials to support married students and other projects.
(Document) Vol 3 No. 3. November, 1954. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. This year was named the Jubilee year for the campus with special speakers and events throughout the school year. Featured was a column by the President S. A. Witmer. Upcoming were speakers in the field of Christian education which featured among others, Milo Rediger, Academic Director of Taylor University. Other stories include the naming of 902 W. Rudisill Blvd., and the development of South Campus with architects drawings for a chapel and library.
(Document) Vol 4 No. 9. May, 1956. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured was a column by the President S. A. Witmer. An article by Lansing Bulgin on the four-fold purposes of the School of Music, announcement of new academic divisions to strengthen the curriuculm, the a Cappella Choir looks to tour the west coast next spring, and the announcement of the commencement activities speakers, Dr. Paul Reese and Rev. Don Kenyon.
(Document) Vol 1 No. 1. May, 1953. The first edition of this comprehensive campus publication. The Fort Wayne Bible College Vision was an official publication of the college mailed to donors, friends, churches, alumni and interested individuals. Featured were columns by the President, an article about the sale of South Campus from the Weibke family, the a Cappella Choir hosting a music festival and the Crusader Harmonies building their audience.